The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul
The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

Quote Of The Moment

Don't listen to those who say, 'You're taking too big a chance.' Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor, and it would surely be rubbed out by today

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quick Update

So that's it for this week
I raced twice trying to run the A standard for Europeans

Wednesday I raced in Patras, Greece
2nd in the 100 11.53 and I won the 200 23.33 (seasons best)

I then raced today in Uden, The Netherlands I won both the 100 and 200 11.57 and 23.36.

I'm happy with the week and did not have a massive drop which was expected after nationals.

Still smiling, still happy and still enjoying track and field.  
Super8 and Gateshead next week


Oh by the way I  watched a must see movie this afternoon called '
Skin'. It gave me goose bumps and made my room mate cry.  If you get a minute check it out.

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