The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul
The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

Quote Of The Moment

Don't listen to those who say, 'You're taking too big a chance.' Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor, and it would surely be rubbed out by today

Sunday, February 15, 2009

National Champion indoors for the 5th time

So I had a pretty good Saturday. A win that I will remember and enjoy!!

Only I could have 3 people in the arena that have coached me Ron Roddan, Brooks Johnson and Loren Seagrave.

I travelled up to Sheffield with Loren on Friday afternoon. This was after a brief warm up session at Alexander Stadium.

It all becomes real when you arrive at the hotel prior to the meet. Its funny all I was thinking about was winning. The time didn't matter. That's exactly what I did. I won each round and that was that.

I chuckled when they announced I had won the title 5 times. To be honest I didn't know that. So I thought I would go home to my mums and see if I could hunt out the medals, and here they are.

I hunted a little harder and found the years and times. I like my 7.30s at nationals. lol

1998 - Birmingham 7.34
2002 - Cardiff - 7.33
2003 - Birmingham - 7.32
2004 - Sheffield 7.33
2009 - Sheffield 7.36

Got a busy week this week coming
Stockholm on Wednesday and Birmingham on Saturday.


  1. Congrats on the win and the 5th one at that :-)

  2. congrats to u sister, hope u dont mind the drive by - i followed Jackie rawdawgbuffalo

  3. Thanks Erin much appreciated and Torrance thanks for driving by.


  4. Great win at the weekend. Shame that the 200 didnt fit into your plans. Would love to see you run 400m, i think you would do good!


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