The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul
The Eyes Are The Window To The Soul

Quote Of The Moment

Don't listen to those who say, 'You're taking too big a chance.' Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor, and it would surely be rubbed out by today

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quote of the day: Women

Whatever you give a woman, she’s going to multiply.
If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she will give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
Therefore - if you give her crap, you will receive a bucket full of shit.
Love and appreciate all the women in your life.

I saw this the other day on another blog and liked it.

Your thoughs?


  1. BRAVO !

    First word that came to me !

    Jolanda x

  2. Joice, only you would find a quote like this to put up but I have to say I do like it and you did make me smile. Not a bad way for me to start my day....

  3. I like this one Joyce. It's quite true but can work the opposite way around too!! ;o)


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